Menumbuhkan Minat Baca Lewat Fathul Kutub Fathul Kutub adalah salah satu program wajib yang diikuti oleh santri dan santriwati kelas 6 KMI Dayah Perbatasan Darul Amin. Kuta Cane Aceh Tenggara. Fathul Kutub ialah kegiatan membuka kitab kuning guna membaca dan menelaah serta memperluas ilmu pengetahuan santri tentang kitab turats (kitab klasik karya ulama terdahulu). Kegiatan ini diawali dengan pembekalan oleh al-Ustadz Ahmad Paruqi Hasiholan, S.Pd., selaku direktur KMI Dayah Perbatasan Darul Amin. Selasa malam, 12 Maret 2024. Beliau menyampaikan pentingnya bahasa arab sebagai cikal bakal karena bahasa Arab adalah kunci dalam fathul kutub ini. Kemudian pada Rabu pagi, 13 Maret 2024 kegiatan Fathul Kutub dibuka oleh al-Ustadz Drs. H. Muchlisin Desky, MM., selaku Rais Aam Dayah Perbatasan Darul Amin. Beliau menyampaikan pentingnya sikap tawadhu' atau ilmu padi, semakin tua semakin berisi dan menunduk, dan juga tidak sombong, jadilah pribadi yang selalu merasa diri seperti botol kosong...
Siapa saja yang mendapatkan informasi m
I got your email contact on internet during serious search for a
reliable personality. My name is Jenneh Kandeh were born: May/23/1994
in FreeTown, Sierra Leone. I am a nephew to Foday Sankoh, the rebel
leader of Sierra Leone, opposed to the government of President Ahmad
Tejan Kebbah the ex-leader, I have been on exile.
I'm current residing at Porto-Novo - BENIN due to war of my country,
my mother killed on 04/01/2002 for Sierre Leone civilian war my father
decided to change another location with me because I am only child for
my family bad news that my father pass away on 25/11/2020 during the
war. My late father made a lot of money through the sales of Diamonds
to the tune of USD 10,200,000 (Ten Million, Two Hundred United States
This money is currently and secretly kept at ECOWAS security company
here in Porto-Novo Benin but because of the political turmoil which
still exists in this Africa. I cannot invest it alone, hence am
soliciting your help me take these funds into your custody to invest
And I want to add here that if agreed 35% of the total worth of the
fund will be yours minus your total expenses incurred during the
clearing of the fund in Cotonou Benin that 35% is a USD 3,570,000 is
yours out of the total fund after we confirmed the fund there.
While I wait to hear from you soon.
bahwa anda memenangkan The Power Ball Online Lottery Draw, itu adalah email scam. Informasi itu tidak benar. Jangan ikuti apa pun. Abaikan saja. Aku pun mendapatkan email tersebut, dan aku tidak percaya sama sekali! Aku cari tahu dulu tentang kebenarannya. Logikanya begini, bagaimana mungkin anda memenangkan hadiah miliaran hanya dengan cara lottery acak? Kan lucu🤣
"Dear Mr. Muhammad Daud Farma
The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient do not reply to this email. We have received your personal information for the processing of your payment. You are to furnish us with the following details for swift transfer of US$ 500,000.00 Bank name, bank address, account holder's name, account number, account type, swift code, a copy of your passport or driver's license. Alternatively, you have to print out the ATM card application form attached to this mail, carefully fill in and sign then email it back to us for the ATM card to be issued for payment.
Yours truly,
Dr. Boyden But
Foreign Operations Manager
Tel: +27732369963
First National Bank, a division of First-Rand Bank Limited. Reg No. 1929/001225/06.
An Authorized Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20"BIG SCAM📍📍📍
I got your email contact on internet during serious search for a
reliable personality. My name is Jenneh Kandeh were born: May/23/1994
in FreeTown, Sierra Leone. I am a nephew to Foday Sankoh, the rebel
leader of Sierra Leone, opposed to the government of President Ahmad
Tejan Kebbah the ex-leader, I have been on exile.
I'm current residing at Porto-Novo - BENIN due to war of my country,
my mother killed on 04/01/2002 for Sierre Leone civilian war my father
decided to change another location with me because I am only child for
my family bad news that my father pass away on 25/11/2020 during the
war. My late father made a lot of money through the sales of Diamonds
to the tune of USD 10,200,000 (Ten Million, Two Hundred United States
This money is currently and secretly kept at ECOWAS security company
here in Porto-Novo Benin but because of the political turmoil which
still exists in this Africa. I cannot invest it alone, hence am
soliciting your help me take these funds into your custody to invest
And I want to add here that if agreed 35% of the total worth of the
fund will be yours minus your total expenses incurred during the
clearing of the fund in Cotonou Benin that 35% is a USD 3,570,000 is
yours out of the total fund after we confirmed the fund there.
While I wait to hear from you soon.
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